Episode 3: The Green Deal still requires work in a tense context
Green Deal: almost half of the texts adopted
43% of green deal texts adopted
21% in trialogue debate, with several stakeholders
28% before Parliament and Council
Source: Graph produced from the results of the Renew Parliamentary Group 75 laws to make Europe a green power, July 2023
Multiple crises that are lowering certain ambitions
Since the adoption of the Green Deal, Europe has had to face numerous crises. After the Covid-19 crisis, the war in Ukrainein other words at the gates of the Union. Creating a geopolitical earthquake, the conflict directly impacts the countries of the European area.
- On energy first of all with the reactivation of coal or nuclear power plants due to the embargo on Russian gas. Europe is thus facing its energy sovereignty and seeing the rise in energy prices. The conflict is generating globalized inflation on many consumer products: gasoline, food products, imported goods, etc.
- Since 2023, protests have also grown in two other major sectors:
– THE agricultural sector: tractor parades in Belgium, Poland, France, declarations of the president of the FNSEA (main agricultural union) for whom the Green Deal calls for a “ decreasing agriculture » far from food sovereignty and agricultural economic balance, request from the EPP (European People’s Party) which has a majority in the European Parliament, asking for the consideration of ” new economic and social realities after the attack on Russia“, demonstrations at the Agricultural Show…
These various crises have led the Union to review certain regulations, in particular on the release of pesticides,
Example by finally extending the use of glyphosate by 10 years, and modifying the texts on the preservation of biodiversity. What are the reasons ?
The agricultural version of the Green Deal called “From farm to fork” or “From farm to fork” adopted at the end of 2021 has been criticized by the agricultural world in recent months because the initial text was to result in a reduction of 50% in the use of pesticides, of 20% in the use of chemical fertilizers and to reserve 25% of agricultural land for organic farming by 2030.– THE industrial sector for his part, he calls for the relaxation of standards and the clarification of his climate neutrality objectives in 2050, according to him contradictory with the political objectives of the Union, for example: the end of new cars with thermal engines by 2035.
Example : car manufacturers have expressed their discontent: manufacturing these new vehicles completely changes the production tool. It is no longer a question of doing mechanics but of chemistry, or mobilizing very different skills. The question of training and infrastructure are at the heart of industry demands.
CESE opinions linked to the objectives of the Green Deal
On objective n°5 of the Green Deal: A zero pollution Europe
How to improve air quality, reduce industrial pollution, revise the rules on the protection of the ozone layer, on persistent organic pollutants and on fluorinated greenhouse gases and finally review the REACH regulation and the directive strategic framework for the marine environment (DCSSM).
Beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the EESC believes that the European Green Deal, through which the European Union aims to transform its economy for a more sustainable future, by revising its production policies , consumption, supply, infrastructure, transport, taxation, social benefits, etc. must constitute a favorable framework for change in magnitude.
30% of emerging infectious diseases are attributed to the degradation of ecosystems by human activities
The EESC opinion How to build a Europe of Health?
In its opinion on the construction of a Europe of health, the CESE called on France to propose to Member States the progression of EU policies towards more ambitious and more coherent action on environmental health
Among its recommendations, the CESE recommends:
– define a European health strategy which will strengthen Europe’s voice on the international scene because Europe does not have a seat in the WHO
– build a common European model in terms of health based on the EU’s values of solidarity and social and territorial cohesion, its international commitments (Sustainable Development Goals) and integrating interactions with animal health and the environment
– make public health prevention policy a priority and translate it into thematic action plans (cardiovascular diseases, mental health, cancers, infectious diseases, etc.) led by the European Commissioner in charge of health and food safety .
– develop health democracy in the EU (ensure better representation of citizens as well as organized civil society in the governance system of European agencies responsible for health).
– intensify procedures for reinforced cooperation between Member States (e.g. cross-border cooperation, health prevention policy).
Read the notice and the summary sheet
It is estimated that today plastic waste represents 85% of marine waste.
OECD predicts global plastic consumption to increase 2.5 times by 2060
In December 2022, the European Commission as part of the “ Green Deal for Europe” proposed new rules at Union level on packaging, with the dual objective of reducing this source of waste and meeting consumer expectations.. Among these rules, it is planned to guarantee reusable packaging possibilities, eliminate unnecessary packaging, limit over-packaging, provide clear labels to encourage recycling or even reduce the need for virgin materials. Consumers will be informed about the differences between biosourced, compostable and degradable plastics. France has also adopted a plan on micropollutants.
All of these regulations within the Union have direct global consequences on plastic, with each European alone generating nearly 180 kg of packaging waste per year.
The EESC opinion Towards an international treaty on plastic pollution: issues, options, negotiating positions?
Today plastic pollution is a growing global problem that requires an urgent international response. Its repercussions, which we are only beginning to understand, represent a major threat to the planet (on ecosystems) and health (microplastics and nanoplastics can penetrate the human body).
Among its recommendations, the CESE recommends:
– to integrate into the International Treaty on Plastic Pollution, an objective of minimum share of recycled plastic in packagingof the order of 30% by 2030, as proposed by the European Union. The EESC calls for this figure to be increased to 50% on all products by 2050. The treaty must also include measures encouraging reuse inspired by the European Green Deal.
Read the notice and the summary sheet
The EESC opinion REACh and chemical risk management: a positive outcome, a tool to improve?
In September 2023, the European Commission wishes to be “more attentive to citizens and businesses” and to be more flexible in a tense economic context, has renounced several measures of the Green Deal, such as for example the revision of the regulations on chemical substances (Reach). Likewise, the texts on animal welfare and sustainable food systems have been revised downwards following demonstrations by farmers in many countries of the Union. The Commission has thus authorized glyphosate for ten additional years, without opposition from the Member States.
The implementation since 2007 of the REACh regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) illustrates the delicate balance between prevention, precaution and innovation. A little more than ten years after its entry into force, the CESE questioned the REACh regulation in 2020: does it meet the expectations of the multiple stakeholders concerned (states, businesses, consumers, associations, unions or scientific circles), For the EESC, REACh constitutes a major public health and environmental issue.
Among its courses of action, the CESE recommended:
– integrate information on the presence of dangerous substances on the environmental display system intended for consumers, by any appropriate means to strengthen the confidence of the population
– develop information actions on products covered by the REACH regulation aimed at the general public by the French authorities
– renegotiate existing commercial treaties by the European Union in order to obtain the insertion of new clauses containing protection standards similar to REACh
– quickly adopt a single and harmonized definition of endocrine disruptors, based on the existing European texts of 2017 and 2018.
Read the notice and the summary sheet
Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time. It is also an opportunity to build a new economic model.
We will see in the fourth episode of our series, the context of the future of the European Green Deal.