Olympic Games effect or not? In any case, it is in this context that the Ministry of Sports is launching the MétierScope du sport platform, a new one-stop shop for careers, job opportunities and training in this area. The MétierScope platform, accessible via the ministry’s website, was designed with the help of France Travail, the national network of employment agencies, whose information system makes it possible to identify jobs available in France. By browsing the platform, users can also discover the training courses that allow them to move towards these different professions.
It was during the “Grenelle of employment and sports professions”, organized in June 2023 and bringing together representatives of the ministries of sports, labor, higher education and professional training, that all these employment and training stakeholders have decided to create a platform intended to facilitate access to jobs in sport. Born from the needs of employers, young graduates, job seekers and training stakeholders, this platform aims to “to make sports professions in their wide diversity more understandable and more attractive” and, more concretely, to create 100,000 new jobs in sport.
Two target audiences for the platform
As France Travail points out, “sport, entertainment and leisure professions have a significant social impact, they enable the development of skills and values at the heart of issues of social cohesion and inclusion”.
This sector, which offers a wide diversity of careers and work contexts, is aimed at two different target audiences:
- the young, student or high school studentwho wishes to be “oriented in a simple and concrete way” towards training and possible financing approaches;
- the job seekeremployee or independent worker, “in search of meaning and professional reorientation”;
More broadly, the ProfessionScope of sport is aimed at all those who are interested in sport and who wish to make it their profession or those who wish to obtain exact information on the professions of this “growing sector: missions, skills and qualifications”.
Three main sections help you find your way around the site: learn about sports careers, train and find a job in the sector.
All sports professions
The MétierScope du sport provides access to training and jobs in very diverse sectors and executives, indoors or outdoors, within a company, a community or an association… All areas are concerned: supervision, training, sports management, events, marketing and sales, engineering, sport-health, integration through sport, sports tourism…
According to France Travail, many professions in the sporting world allow you to “reconcile work and passion”. Today, underlines the platform, we find “a constellation of professions in the world of sports and entertainment” which contribute to personal development, whether one is “fan of football, boxing, fitness, martial arts or outdoor activities, each discipline needs supervision and transmission”on condition, adds France Travail, of mark out your training pathwith appropriate certifications or diplomas.
All training
Under the “Get trained” section, the platform lists theall possible training courses. It specifically refers to other sites, to discover in particular:
The sports sector in figures
According to the latest barometer from the BPCE observatory (group of analysts) which carried out a comprehensive study on the sports economy, this sector of activity represents:
- 2.6% of GDP;
- 128,000 businesses;
- 400,000 jobs, or 1.3% of the employed workforce in France;
- 98% of sports businesses are two-thirds individual businesses;
- 30% of employees in the sports branch are on fixed-term contracts and 37% are part-time;
- 110 diplomas and 1000 certifications listed.